Friday, May 19, 2006

Oh What a Beautiful MOOOOOORNING!

Today is National Bike to Work Day, so I took advantage of Mom's visit to leave Alex at home and ride in on the MUT. This was a shakedown cruise in preparation for the daily bike commute to start sometime in July.

I managed to get out the door at about 6:40, only ten minutes later than planned (not bad, for me!). The ground was wet - it must have rained last night - but not enough to make me wish I'd worn rain gear or had fenders. It was cool, not chilly, and the sun was shining off the wet pavement. All the hallmarks of a gorgous Spring day.

Once again, the weights and the swimming paid off. The ride in has never been a real tough one, but there are a couple of spots that always seem to make me wheeze. Not today - it really was an effortless trip, and I was crossing the Potomac almost before I knew it. I only hope the same applies on the (uphill) return trip tonight after a full day's work.

I rolled into the parking garage at 7:30; showered, changed and was at my desk by 7:50. Five minutes later than I'd hoped, but within an acceptable margin of error. Nothing a slightly more efficient locker room routine won't take care of.

I'm really looking forward to making this my routine - I've been wanting to bike commute ever since we moved into our house. Erica's work schedule and Alex's daycare made the logistics impossible. Now that Alex is about to start Kindergarten, I no longer have to drive him downtown to drop off at daycare, and I can start working on trimming back the roll of lard I've been carrying around my waist for several years now!


Blogger Gaz said...

Good man with the weights and swimming. The commuting helps too - my endurance has gotten better. Granted, it got a lot worse over the winter thanks to busted feetsies, but I'm at least back to where I was, as opposed to behind. Keep it going, baldy!!

1:56 PM  

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