Thursday, June 22, 2006

3... 2... 1... Vacation!

Just this afternoon and tomorrow then I'm OUTTA HERE 'til 7/05!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm So Tired...

I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired
My mind is on the brink...
- The Beatles, White Album

I've really got to learn to stay away from the computer and the teevee after the kids are in bed. Up 'til 1:00, clicking away at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! No new comments in my usual websites, nothing interesting on the teevee. And yet, there I sat - clicking away on the mouse and the remote. Click, click, clickity click. Dirty dishes still in the sink. Papers and crap still piled up on the dining room table. Toys still scattered all over the family room. Laundry still unfolded. And of course I'm dragging ass today, accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Last night's ride got rained out and I can't go out tonight, so I'm hoping to get a lunch hour spin in. Maybe that'll wake me up a little.




Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Another Dry Spell

Honestly, I don't see how people keep it up, this blogging thing. When I have nothing to say, I tend not to say it. Unfortunately for my loyal minions (all none of them), that would be most of the time. I tend not to be a reflective person. Nor am I particularly self-absorbed. Two personality traits - one positive, one negative - that lend themselves quite well to maintaining a blog. The Yin and the Yang of baring your soul to strangers on the Internet, if you will...

There, I'm glad I got that off my chest. I know the world is better off for my having posted it for all to see. Because after all, isn't every itty-bitty little bit of my life and my psyche what sustains the world through what would otherwise be an unspeakably grim existence? Is it not true that I am what it's really all about?




